Miniatures Gallery - Warhammer Quest A gallery of painted miniatures for Warhammer Quest. The game consists of a group of warriors who embark on adventures into the world's vast underground dungeons. They battle hideous monsters, but those who survive find themselves wealthy beyond imagination. This gallery displays some of the figures utilized in Warhammer Quest.
This massive creature is a bane for adventurers. Since the Minotaur is always capable of dealing severe damage, attacks against this creature should be carefully coordinated.
The Imperial Noble arrogantly strides into battle, lashing out with his fancy rapier. When an enemy gets the upper hand, he evens the odds by firing a shot from his duelling pistol. He is as useful addition to any group of adventurers who can tolerate his aloof attitude.
This man has completely devoted himself to Sigmar, the founder and patron deity of the Empire. The priest delivers powerful attacks with a warhammer and magicaly heals the wounds of his allies.
Thickly armored and carrying a heavy sword, this knight from a faraway land has come to the region to accomplish a specific quest. His durability and skill in battle are of great aid to a band of adventurers.
Elven warriors are reclusive and mysterious, but some occasionally make homes in human settlements. Elves are talented archers and quick to dodge incoming attacks. Their mastery is welcomed by most treasure hunters.
Snotlings are tiny greenskinned creatures with the mentality of an animal. They can be dangerous when attacking in swarms. This annoying little snotling has managed to steal a lantern from the adventurers, leaving them in complete darkness to fend for themselves.