Miniatures Gallery - Grenadier A gallery of painted Grenadier miniatures. Grenadier was another of the oldest miniature producing companies. The company is no longer in business, but created numerous figures that I will fondly remember for the rest if my life. Many of these figures were painted in the late 1980's.
This honorable knight fearlessly steps into battle to defend his kingdom from an unknown enemy.
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Updated: 1/29/2002
Skeletal Cyclops
Even the gigantic is not immune to the vile power of necromancy. This monstrosity has been risen from the dead to crush the enemies of a skilled necromancer.
This is among the most fascinating Minotaur figures I've seen. If the creature were to exist in our world then I imagine it would look something like this.
Grenadier produced a beautiful line of dragon miniatures. This is one of my favrotites (and the only one that I was able to afford to purchase at the time).